CQUni showcases research during Capricorn Innovation Festival
Published on 28 May, 2012
CQUniversity has staged research exhibitions during the Capricorn Innovation Festival open days held on May 25-26 at the Chameleon Group site, south of Rockhampton.
This event was organised through a collaboration between Capricorn Enterprise, the CQ Innovative Regions Centre, CQUniversity, the Australian Institute for Commercialisation, state and local government, and the generosity of local businesses. CQUniversity showcased its:
CQUniversity Adjunct Professor Ross Quinn was MC for the festival launch
'Sustainability Precinct' concept;
Renewable Energy research;
Cement-fibre Boards;
and Biodiesel Initiatives.
The festival business lunch and workshop was sponsored by the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Health (SEH) and the Institute for Resource Industries and Sustainability (IRIS), and was dedicated to forming iBEN - the Innovative Built Environment Network. At CQUniversity, it's not just about education; it's about connecting, partnering and building relationships with local people to achieve great things.
Festival visitors were able to explore innovations across renewable energy, water, construction and R&D, to witness cutting-edge building, design, construction and sustainability services, to tour the Chameleon site and meet local innovators, to discover products and services, and to learn about government assistance programs.
The launch was held undercover due to wet weather
The free festival was hosted by Chameleon Research & Development (Australia) Pty Ltd. The event was aimed at those interested in displays on green living, renewable energy, low-carbon products, sustainability research and recycling.
Visitors could:
- Get a guided tour of the ‘Chameleon' construction site - an award-winning local business that designs and manufactures modular concrete buildings;
- Test drive an electric car - with the added novelty of having this powered from the wind turbines on the property;
- See displays of new research being conducted by CQUniversity staff and students;
- Get information about the products and services available from local businesses to help make our built environment more sustainable.
LINK ALSO for Buzz on campus about GE Energy visitor