All welcome at Journey of Healing ceremony
Published on 19 May, 2004
Central Queensland University’s Reconciliation Group in conjunction with the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy will hold a Journey of Healing Ceremony to celebrate National Sorry Day at the riverbank next Wednesday May 26, at 1pm.
The Reconciliation Group is encouraging Rockhampton workers and residents to join with the Murri community in the ceremony to promote reconciliation and change in the future.
People are invited to bring their lunch to the riverbank, sit on the grassy auditorium and join in the ceremony while they eat their lunch.
Speakers will be Ross Quinn, Regional Manager of the ABC, and Michael White, Regional chair of ATSIC.
For more information contact Laurel Hunt, at Nulloo Yumbah (CQU’s Indigenous Learning, Spirituality and Research Centre) on (07) 4930 9975 or email