Our own Dr Karl contributes to book on roots of Aussie folk music
Published on 05 February, 2004
CQU Bundaberg-based researcher Dr Karl Neuenfeldt has contributed to a new book and CD-set on the roots of Australia's folk music, called 'Verandah Music'.
Dr Neuenfeldt contributed as a musician/producer and supplied explanatory text for three of the featured songs, 'Kores of Torres Strait', 'Jacky Jacky' and 'Forty Fathoms'.
The researcher has also been busy lately as songwriter, musician and producer for Seaman Dan's new CD recording called Perfect Pearl, which is getting airplay on ABC Radio at the moment.
He is working on soundscape and archival recordings of the Mon Repos turtle hatchery and the sugar industry and is also involved in collaborative research with the Wide Bay Burnett South Sea Islander community as a member of the Bundaberg Media Research Group.