CQU Press Book of the Week
Published on 19 October, 2004
Diving Off the Ironing Board: A Political Memoir.
By Di McCauley.
CQU Press (Outback Books) $25.95.
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"Diving Off the Ironing Board" is the political memoirs of politician Di McCauley.
Di represented Callide and served with the governments of Sir Joh Bjelke Petersen, Mike Ahern, Russell Cooper and Rob Borbidge.
Di is well aware of widespread cynicism about politicians and these memoirs help to lift the veil on a politician's punishing daily schedule and show the challenges that confront a female minister.
She became a Minister in the Ron Borbidge government in 1996 and is very honest about how the dramatic work overload threatened her marriage.
Her openly hostile confrontations with Brisbane Lord Mayor Jim Soorley also make fascinating reading.
This book is a rare exception - a political memoir written with humour and with honesty.
This is no high-flying feminist taking on the men at their own game and leaving them neutered in her wake... this is a country woman with a short temper and a long memory!