CQUniversity Australia

Engaging Indigenous people within Higher Ed

CQUniversity's Office of Indigenous Engagement recently hosted a visit from the Oodgeroo Unit of Queensland University of Technology (QUT), at Rockhampton Campus.

Professor Anita Lee Hong, Director of the Oodgeroo Unit, and Lone Pearce, Project Officer, met with Office of Indigenous Engagement staff to discuss employment issues and best practice models for engaging Indigenous people within the higher education sector, including governance matters.

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Voices lifted in hope 


BY student reporter SARAH HERRON.

For two weekends, the Brisbane Entertainment Centre has been the venue for the annual district convention of Jehovah's Witnesses.  Titled "Guided by God's Spirit", the free public event was replicated worldwide, in more than 200 languages.

PhotoID:6257The three day program, held twice in Brisbane on August 8th -10th and 15th- 17th was attended by some 7,000 to 9,000 people each day, the most popular day being the Sunday.

These conventions involve a series of speeches, symposiums, a live-action drama, the baptism of new ones and new books are usually released. 

The speeches varied in length from 10 minutes in length to 40 minutes, and yet all sit attentively, from young children to the elderly, who are well catered for with special seating arrangements provided.

Two new publications were released at this convention. The first entitled "Questions Young People Ask: Answers That Work - Volume 2" was well received by youths and parents alike. The book contains up to date challenges that young people face growing up. The second book released was entitled "Keep Yourselves in God's Love" and outlines bible principles that apply to life now.

The main highlight of these conventions, especially for the very young, is the live-action drama, part of the Sunday afternoon program. Costumes, props and a lively audio all enhanced the story played out by local volunteers.  The story played out is always taken from a bible account and always has a moral. This year's drama was entitled ‘Do not leave "the love you had at first"' and was taken from the bible book of Revelation chapter 2.

PhotoID:6258For some all focus is on the talk just before lunch on Saturday. This presentation is for ones who are about to be baptized. This is not something one just decides to do that day, but is the culmination of many years of study and changing their life to fit with the requirements of God set out in the Bible.

Tenielle was one of those baptized on Saturday the 16th of August. At 22 years of age her whole life is ahead of her. She is a promising surfer, working in retail and recently engaged to Dan, baptized on the same day. 

When considering the life paths that many young people are choosing today, many may question Tenielle choice to be baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. While others are chasing wealth, stardom and fame, Tenielle has chosen to leave that all behind as she chooses to live her life by the standards of the Bible.

"I got baptized because I love Jehovah (God's name) and I want to live my life by his standards......now I'm baptized I feel great, I'm doing what Jehovah asked of me, I have a real purpose for my life and I feel happy!" - Tenielle said.

This statement was echoed by some 67 others baptized on that day. From teenage boys to elderly gentleman, all were happy and answered the questions in unison before the large audience.

From the very first song on the Friday it is clear that all gather in unity, sing in harmony and are united in their silent respect as prayer is given on all attendants' behalf. This is the ritual held for all such events large and small.

The experience of hearing more than seven thousand voices lifted in praise, singing songs based on the bible and sung in complete harmony is truly magnificent.

The event is held annually and is always open to the public.