National Science Week attracts 100 students to CQU Mackay
Published on 14 August, 2003
Year 10 Pioneer State High School students hope to regain the local National Science Week Year 10 Science Quiz trophy for the third consecutive year on Tuesday. The students will compete against teams of students from Bowen, Clermont, Mackay Christian College and Whitsunday Anglican School.
The Science Quiz will be the final event in “Your Future is SET”, a full day’s programme of Science, Engineering and Technology based activities held at the CQU Mackay campus.
Event co-ordinator Vivien Clift said the full-day rotational program exposes the students to matters relating to physics, chemistry, biology, environmental science, health, information technology and multi-media.
“By the end of the day the students will have a much better understanding of science, engineering and technology, and this may help them make better informed decisions about their subject options for study in Years 11 and 12, and possibly for tertiary study." “The hands-on activities should test the students’ skills and allow them to explore various components of science.”