Dr Vic Mason biographical info
Published on 19 April, 2010
Dr Victor Mason, BSc(Eng), PhD Southampton, FIEAust, RPEQ.
After attaining his PhD in Theoretical Acoustics at Southampton University, Vic Mason moved into industrial noise research. His investigations included noise within gas-cooled nuclear reactors in England, aerospace-related noise in California and underground mining equipment noise, at the University of Queensland.
Leading sugar industry researcher Vic Mason
Following university academic and research positions, Vic joined the staff of the Sugar Research Institute, Mackay.
At the Institute, he began researching noise control in Australian raw sugar factories, soon becoming the Research Manager with overall responsibility for the Institute's research program.
He served as President of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, with his sugar industry career culminating in a three-year period as Chairman of the International Technologists Society.
Vic currently holds a contract position at the Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal.
He chaired the University's Mackay Advisory Committee for several years and is a member of the University Council.
He also serves on the Audit and Planning Committee.