Reviewers meet with staff, students and community
Published on 15 December, 2004
Since early December, the eight self-review teams have conducted more than 70 hours of interviews, group meetings and focus groups to assess the University’s performance against the Quality Management Framework (QMF).
These activities involved staff and students from a cross-section of campuses and disciplines, as well as members of the community.
Some meetings are continuing this week, along with follow-up activities and report writing.
Each of the review teams will submit a report to Ken Window, Registrar and Chief Compliance Officer.
These reports will be used to inform the development of the University’s Trial Performance Portfolio which will be submitted to the Trial Audit team early next year.
After the trial audit, the Performance Portfolio will then be modified and submitted to the AUQA audit team prior to the October audit.
There has been an excellent response from across the University in the review process, and the level of cooperation and commitment displayed by the review teams, staff and students is appreciated, and will ultimately assist the University in its aim for a constructive AUQA audit report.