Campus kindles kids' careers
Published on 02 July, 2009
Even if Palisa Huoth and Laura Koefler decide to take up tertiary study elsewhere, CQUniversity has already helped shape the direction of their future careers...
The Gladstone State High School girls are heading to England soon for youth development opportunities, with Gladstone Campus providing a fundraising venue this month.
Palisa and Laura at Gladstone Campus
Previous campus interactions have been more fundamental. LINK here for video of Laura and Palisa talking about their connection to CQUniversity and their overseas programs.
Laura first came onto campus for a music workshop. A subsequent Gladstone Schools and Industry Science Challenge sponsored by CQUniversity opened her eyes to a potential medical career. She is now one of 6 Australian students selected for the prestigious London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). About 300 students from more than 40 different countries will be there.
Meanwhile, Palisa used the same Gladstone science challenge as a stepping stone to an Engineering Link Project in Rockhampton, co-sponsored by CQUniversity and the Engineering Link Group. She has since been chosen among 4 scholarship winners to attend the Smallpeice Engineering Mining and Minerals program at the University of Leeds.
Both girls will get the chance to do some sightseeing during their time overseas and both are grateful for their campus springboard.