Long-server has change process down pat
Published on 14 December, 2010
During her 35 years employment at CQUniversity, Patricia Lieschke has certainly seen, and been a part of, many changes.
Patricia first joined as a clerk in 1975 when the institution was known as the Capricornia Institute of Advanced Education.
Patricia Lieschke accepts her Staff Service Award after 35 years at CQUniversity
"My first job was quite boring as it involved filing cards into metal files - it must have been important at the time, but I can't even remember what they were," she recalls.
There were only a small number of buildings on the Rockhampton campus back then and all administration staff were required to sign-in for work each morning at Building 2 (the main admin building at the time) and returned every afternoon to sign-off for the day.
In those days, staff received allowances for shorthand and typing, so Patricia took the necessary tests which commenced her journey of career advancement opportunities that have seen her complete a Graduate Diploma in Careers Education.
"I have always looked at change as a positive experience," says Patricia. "I have been given great career development opportunities since commencing in 1975, supported by the University to undertake study, and have worked my way up through the ranks from a Level 2 Clerk to a Level 9 Manager".
Patricia was a mother with young children when she was given the opportunity to return to the workforce and she now has six grandchildren ranging in age from 4 to 13.
"I've had a supportive husband throughout my career and we will be celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary in Paris in July next year".
Some of the various roles Patricia has undertaken during her 35 years have been in Counselling Careers and Health, looking after Student Loans and the Graduate Destination Survey, Graduate Recruitment and Vacation Employment, Careers Counsellor and Coordinator of the Careers Service, Manager of the Examinations Section and, for a short period, Acting Director of Student Administration.
Most recently, Patricia worked for the Faculty of Informatics and Communication which merged with Business and Law in 2008, then in very quick succession merged with Arts, Humanities and Education to become the Faculty of Arts, Business, Informatics and Education (FABIE).
Patricia says her current role as Manager, Administrative Services in FABIE "continues to challenge me professionally" and she looks forward to working at CQUniversity until she is ready to enjoy retirement.