Quality news update
Published on 09 June, 2004
At the Australian Universities Quality Agency board meeting held on June 1, the directors elected Professor Deryck Schreuder as Chair and Ms Leigh Tabrett as Deputy Chair.
The Australian Universities Quality Forum is taking place in Adelaide on July 7-9.
Those who would like to register for AUQF can do so now at the secure online registration form at http://www.auqa.edu.au/auqf/2004/. The Forum is Australia’s premier event for the discussion of quality assurance in higher education. It attracts an audience of senior academic and administrative university staff, as well as international delegates.
People are encouraged to participate in online workshops associated with and preceding AUQF2004. Whether you are able to attend the Forum itself or not, these workshops are a great chance to participate in discussions on topics such as:.
* dual-sector quality assurance.
* transnational education.
* evaluating supervision.
* plagiarism.
* future scenarios for HE in Australia; and.
* quality assurance for quality assurer.
The revised Audit Manual has now been published and will be published to the AUQA website shortly.
The Annual Report 2003 is now available for viewing at www.auqa.edu.au/aboutauqa/annualreports/ .
Since February, the AUQA Good Practice Database (http://www.auqa.edu.au/gp/) has continued to be one of the top four most popular sites on the AUQA web site. In June the number of good practices published online will increase with the publication of entries from Southern Cross University, the University of Canberra, the University of Newcastle and the University of Queensland.
These submissions have all been refereed by honorary auditors and the respective Audit Director. Those auditees from 2003 who have not already been invited to contribute will be invited to do so later in the year.
Contacting AUQA.
Dr David Woodhouse.
Executive Director.
Australian Universities Quality Agency.
Level 10, 123 Lonsdale Street.
Melbourne, Vic, 3000, Australia.
Tel: + 61 3 9639 1100.
Fax: + 61 3 9639 7377.
Email: ed@auqa.edu.au .
Web: www.auqa.edu.au .