MOU for Great Keppel research signed
Published on 01 June, 2010
GKI Resort Pty Ltd and CQUniversity have signed a Memo of Understanding regarding GKI's proposed development of a Research Centre at Great Keppel, as part of GKI's plan to redevelop the resort island.
The nature of the agreement is that CQUniversity would be able to conduct research at the Centre, which would be built by the Resort.
Vice-Chancellor Professor Scott Bowman joins Terry Agnew of GKI Resort Pty Ltd for the MOU signing
The Great Keppel Island Research Centre could be a vital tool for the management of the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef, according to the draft Memo.
According to the developer, the Centre would conduct research programs, undertake conservation activities on the island and within the marine park, monitor coral communities and facilitate student and professional research activities.