All welcome to hear about 'fish barcodes' DNA project
Published on 27 July, 2006
All interested people are welcome at a free presentation about efforts to create an internet reference library of the DNA barcodes of the world's fish species (currently numbering up to 30,000).
The presentation is from 1pm-2pm on Wednesday, August 9, at CQU Rockhampton (building 32 room G.18), after a light lunch from 12.30pm in the courtyard.
The FISH-BOL (fish barcode of life) campaign will enable the rapid identification of any unknown or disputed specimen, even in cases when only fragments are available.
DNA bar-coding is also likely to lead to discovery of some as-yet undescribed species.
This talk will be presented by distinguished visitor Dr Robert Ward, who is from CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research (CMAR) in Hobart.
The event has been arranged by the School of Chemical and Biomedical Sciences within the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Health.
Details are available from James Douglas via 4930 6568 or .