It's a small world after all
Published on 14 October, 2004
When TimePlan Education Group, the UK’s leading educational recruitment specialist visited Central Queensland University Mackay recently, no-one suspected that Liz Underwood, Mackay Administration Officer, was about to run into childhood acquaintances she hasn’t seen for 30 years!.
But run into them she did. Liz was quietly making her morning cup of tea in the staff room when she started chatting with Andy and Patti Plested, UK residents on assignment in Australia for TimePlan.
As it turned out, the friendly chat turned into a full-scale reminiscence as Liz discovered they were both from Street, a small town in Somerset, England where she grew up.
As the conversation continued the three realised they used to hang out at the same local pool in summer, attend the same church, had many mutual friends and had sisters and brothers who attended the same schools. Patti’s brother even married one of Liz’s family friends.
The question now remains, is it all a happy coincidence or was there a hidden purpose to their meeting? . . . They may never know.
Photo: TimePlan’s Andy and Patti Plested of London UK, met up with CQU Administration Officer and childhood friend Liz Underwood (right) on their recent visit to CQU Mackay.