Fiji statement
Published on 01 March, 2005
For Immediate Release Mark Skinner Chief Executive Campus Group Fiji Ltd. Telephone 0412077529 Mike Donahue, CQU, 07 4923 2722; 0409 309 782; “Central Queensland University (CQU) and Campus Group Fiji Ltd. (CGFL)reject in the strongest terms the allegations that appeared recently in the Australian media about CQU and CGFL being involved in irregular conduct concerning the enrolment of Chinese students at the Fiji campus,” the Vice Chancellor of CQU Professor John Rickard and the Chief Executive of Campus Group Fiji Ltd. Mr. Mark Skinner said today.
Both CQU and CGH have investigated the allegations, including discussions with Fijian Government authorities, and have found the allegations to be groundless and false.
The Manager of Compliance and Investigation for the Fijian Immigration Department has written to the Campus Director of the CQU Fiji Campus to say the allegations have “Not only... tarnished the name of “ CQU Fiji International Campus but have “smeared the name of the Department of Immigration and the Republic of the Fiji Islands”.
The Immigration Department has confirmed in writing that none of the Asian women studying in Fiji who have had their visas cancelled were CQU students. Currently there are only 6 Chinese students at CQU Fiji Campus out of an enrolment of 400 and they are not subject to any investigation by the Immigration Department.
Professor Rickard and Mr. Skinner expressed their deep concern over the injurious impact of the allegations on staff, students and graduates of the University.
CQU and CGFL are considering their legal position and the extent of the damage suffered.