Queensland's fledgling entrepreneurs converge in Rockhampton
Published on 11 January, 2006
About 30 of Queensland's fledgling (senior school) entrepreneurs have conducted their own Entrepreneurs' Trade Fair, this week at CQU Rockhampton.
They have been taking part in the 3rd Enterprise Management Project, an opportunity for Year 12 students presented by The Engineering Link Group.
The students have studied team dynamics and problem solving; management and leadership; entrepreneurship; marketing and communication; venture capitalisation; time management and engineering.
Each day they have applied new skills to products ready for development.
Engineering Link Group CEO Paul Richards said "the opportunity for these students to meet experts in their fields, network with recognised and successful community members and increase their skills in areas they would not normally encouter until they actually start their careers is invaluable".
"Where else do budding entrepreneurs get a chance to explore the infinite possibilities of their future.".
The week-long event is supported by Stanwell Corporation, CQU, Education Queensland, Sinclair Knight Merz and Thiess. Details are at: www.telg.com.au/EMP.htm or via Paul Richards on 0418 738 344.
Photos at the trade fair: Gladstone's Brogan-Li Berry (left) and green team members (above) Will Parkes - Toowoomba (back in white shirt), Jess Wrigley - Gold Coast, Matt Hillocks - Bundaberg (in suit) and Sebastien Rousseaux - Brisbane (front in white shirt).