Wilson building named
Published on 01 October, 2002
The building that accommodates the Centre for Molecular Architecture (CMA) was named for former CQU Vice Chancellor (1991-1996) Professor Geoff Wilson during a ceremony last Friday on the Rockhampton Campus, prior to the graduation ceremony Professor Wilson, the current Vice-Chancellor of Victoria's Deakin University, told university executives, deans and staff who gathered outside the building that it was like coming “home” to CQU, where he enhanced the university's research programs and developed new centres for advanced learning.
“When a stockwhip was given to me by the commonwealth government as I began my job at this institution in Central Queensland, I knew it was going to be an adventure,” Professor Wilson joked.
“But the stockwhip was not needed,” said Chancellor Stan Jones.
“You set the foundations of this university, Geoff, and set us on a course on important research” the Chancellor added.
“Geoff is remembered and talked about as if [he] were walking by my side,” said Vice Chancellor Glenice Hancock Research at the Centre, opened in 1992 in Rockhampton, formed the basis for methods of fingerprint detection (fluorescence spectroscopy), which brought worldwide acclaim to CQU and court acceptance of such forensic science evidence.
Picture: Chancellor Stand Jones with Professor Geoff Wilson