Fiji team kicks off well
Published on 12 June, 2003
In a scintillating display of champagne rugby, our CQU Fiji International Campus (FIC) boys displayed Waisale-Serevi-moves which left the USP Rugby Team backpedaling for most of the game last month.
The FIC ruggers won the match 9-3 at the FIC oval on May 30. FIC rugby critic Tim Bakker (Manager IT) described the game as "very physical, but our boys stuck to their game plan and were the better team".
Well done boys! We are hoping to see some of you make it to the next rugby world cup.
Photo: (standing L-R) R Waqavono, I Ratu, S Dau, J Naivalurua, A Sharma, S Chang, R Gucake, V Rabuku; (middle row L-R) M Delai, E Tabakaucoro, T Tubuka, I Tagaqe, S Daugunu Sitting: B Lutua, J Naigulevu, Ratu V Kinivuwai, J Seavula, I Natau.