CQU gets Women into Science and Technology
Published on 15 March, 2005
Central Queensland University has provided over 3000 women with the opportunity for a career in non-traditional fields through its Women into Science and Technology (WIST) program.
WIST is a bridging program which gives women the basic skills needed to apply for university entry and succeed in a career.
The program is recognised by universities nation-wide as a pre-requisite course for undergraduate studies, provides students with access to TAFE and also has been used as preparation for employment tests.
\"WIST provides an alternative access for women into non-traditional areas and also gives women the tools to enable them to undertake courses at university,\" Coordinator for WIST Judith Wooller said.
\"The program is a home-based, self-paced program that focuses on English, Science, Mathematics and Computing for women. So, the program caters for women who may not have finished year 12, may need help with literacy, numeracy and computing, and may need to study from home due to work and family commitments.\".
WIST is Centrelink funded and QTAC approved.
\"This program provides the chance for women to empower themselves through education.\" WIST students are provided with lots of support both academically and through career advice and counselling.
Age is no barrier. All women, from school leavers to mature aged women, are eligible to apply for the WIST program. Many women in the program are in fact mature aged women who are returning to study.
Up to 30% of WIST students continue into tertiary education with many going on to do postgraduate studies in the sciences and information systems.
Due to the flexible nature of the WIST program, enrolments are accepted all year round. To enrol, contact the WIST coordinator for an application package, phone 4930 9341.