Parenting book wins international book prize
Published on 01 June, 2010
CQUniversity's Nicole Rawson-Huff has been awarded an international book prize for her book aimed at new parents.
The child development specialist and project officer for CQUniversity's International Program of Psycho-Social Health Research co-edited the book titled 'Caring for your newborn: How to enjoy the first 60 days as a new mom', with leading paediatrician Dr Olson Huff.
CQUniversity project officer Nicole Rawson-Smith has won a international book prize.The book took out the gold medal in the parenting category for the 2010 Independent Publisher Book Awards at a ceremony in New York last week.
This is the second major award for the book which was published less than six months ago. It also won a Disney iParenting Media Award for ‘Outstanding Product' at the end of 2009.
The parenting guide incorporates both expert guidance on paediatric health and practical parenting stories and tips. The book covers topics such as: bonding with your baby, helping your baby build a better brain, newborn sleeping patterns, soothing a crying baby, tips for maintaining a healthy relationship and help with choosing a paediatrician.
Nicole chats with parents about her new book.Unlike many other books on the market with a sole focus on mums and babies, this book includes a chapter for new dads.
Olson and Nicole began helping parents back in 1997 with a set of radio messages called "The One minute Parent". This popular program provided practical tips on raising children with information on child health and development.
The launch of the Sixty Second Parent website ( in 2008 extended this vision.
The Triumphant ChildTM ( book series quickly followed due to high demand for both expert knowledge and practical advice on raising children.