Our nursing and midwifery students return from Nepal
Published on 24 December, 2009
CQUniversity Nursing and Midwifery students and staff members have recently returned from Nepal, where they spent 3 weeks assisting health workers across a range of institutions....
CQUniversity nursing lecturer Dr Trudy Dwyer said the trip was a fantastic experience for all involved.
Hands-on assistance"It was absolutely fabulous. It was a chance for us to collaborate with an international university and teaching hospital, while providing an opportunity for our students to extend their learning and engage with other nurses."
Dr Kerry Reid-Searl (recently awarded Nursing Educator of the Year) said although the group expected to see poverty and hardship, the experience was far more life-changing than first thought.
Although many of the Nepalese people had very little, they were never too short to give what they had.
"We were constantly being offered food wherever we went. The experience was very humbling," Kerry said.
The CQUniversity contingent visited a teaching hospital, health clinics, a university, schools and orphanages. They staged free health clinics and teaching staff provided free lectures to Nepalese nursing students.
Just some of the many highlights included: providing 60 blankets to people living in an aged-care facility; caring for 650 people at the free health clinic; experiencing the Nepalese traditional dancing and singing; and providing goods such as health supplies, toothbrushes, and toys to the needy.
Many of the goods provided to the villagers were donated from Rockhampton's 3 hospitals and charity organisations in Central Queensland.
Kerry said CQUniversity should be commended on supporting such a worthwhile event. The University's International Office student exchange program donated $1000 towards the expenses of each student participating in the trip.
The participating nursing students were from Mackay, Bundaberg, Noosa and Rockhampton and include both 'internal' and 'flex' mode students across their first, second and third years of study. The midwifery students are from Brisbane, Buderim, Townsville and Charleville.
LINK HERE for more PHOTO highlights
LINK HERE for Nepal PHOTO merge highlights