CQU celebrates Library and Information Week
Published on 11 May, 2005
Central Queensland University will host Rockhampton’s Library and Information Week events on Thursday, May 26.
Interested people are invited to take part in the professional development workshop from 2pm to 4pm. Dr Gillian Hallam, President-Elect of the Australian Library Information Association, will provide a professional development overview, while UQ Ipswich Library Manager Sue Hutley will present the new models of service delivery at UQ Ipswich.
A library wine and cheese evening, hosted by the Faculty of Informatics and Communication and CQU Library, will be held at the CQU library from 6pm where guest speakers will speak on the dynamic information professional and generational change in Australian libraries. Greg Whymark, Associate Professor with the Faculty, will speak on 'Is Knowledge Management an Oxymoron?'.
A library trivia competition will be run by the Rockhampton City Council library.
To RSVP contact Electronic Services Librarian Kate Watson by Monday May 23 on 4930 6829 or email k.watson@cqu.edu.au .
Photos: Electronic Services Librarian Kate Watson and CQU LIbrary Director Graham Black.