CQU supports Safety Institute of Australia conference
Published on 07 July, 2006
CQU is a gold sponsor of the Safety Institute of Australia's annual conference for Queensland and the Northern Territory, from August 31 to September 1 in Yeppoon.
SIA is the the peak professional body for safety in Australia.
The 14th annual occupational health and safety conference will be held at Rydges Capricorn Resort and is expected to attract around 250 delegates.
To enhance the sponsorship, CQU students from the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Health will contribute poster presentations addressing 'Current Issues' and 'The New Inventors'.
CQU contributors are also expected to feature among presenters for the conference.
The overall conference theme is 'Visions in Natural Resources'. In addition to presenting and exploring a range of health and safety issues, this conference will focus on issues relevant to mining, power generation, human resource and regional health and safety issues.
The 3-day program aims to provide a stimulating mix of keynote speakers, paper presentations from industry, interactive workshops and site visits.
Keynote speakers in the program include:.
Mr Tom Fisher, Federal Safety Commissioner.
Mr Graeme Johnstone, Victorian State Coroner.
Mr Stewart Bell, Executive Director, Department of Natural Resources and Mines.
Two special night-time functions have also been organised to allow delegates to meet peers and presenters.
The Safety Institute of Australia President (Qld & NT Division), Gary Chaplin is delighted with the benefits these conferences have provided in recent years and says that:.
“Delegates of our annual conferences are always pleased with the quality of presentations and the opportunities they have to meet with their peers and discuss issues with the presenters”.
This conference will attract double Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points for maintaining professional grades of membership of the SIA - CPMSIA, FSIA and CFSA.
For more information please contact the Conference Secretariat Ph: 3247 4854. Email: Visions-Conference@dir.qld.gov.au.