Loads of toads wanted
Published on 22 August, 2002
Hop to it! Toads (Bufo marinus) are needed for first year Animal Biology and Physiology students.
“We go through several hundred at a time,” explained Dr. C.J. Parmenter, Associate Professor in Biology.
The toads, dissected this week and next, need to be brought to the Biology Department’s Building 8 on the Rockhampton campus..
How to catch one? First, don’t confuse them with green or other native frogs. See the picture.
Look anywhere near an outdoor light at night and you could find one. Or inspect your backyard with a torch after dusk.
Second, you’ll likely have to pick it up with your hands (no clubbed toads, road kills, or chemically treated toads). John Parmenter suggests using a plastic bag or glove. If you use you bare hands, wash them with warm water and soap – their skins contain potent toxins.
Store them in a container, like a used ice cream container or plastic bag. Just make sure you leave air in the bag or punch small holes in the container lid. They need to be alive when brought in.
Toads not used for dissection will live it up at the department’s Toad Hilton... until it’s time to check out.
Please contact Jamie Hibbard at 4930 9615 for more details.