CQUniversity Australia

Engaging Indigenous people within Higher Ed

CQUniversity's Office of Indigenous Engagement recently hosted a visit from the Oodgeroo Unit of Queensland University of Technology (QUT), at Rockhampton Campus.

Professor Anita Lee Hong, Director of the Oodgeroo Unit, and Lone Pearce, Project Officer, met with Office of Indigenous Engagement staff to discuss employment issues and best practice models for engaging Indigenous people within the higher education sector, including governance matters.

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PhotoID:15001, Forum participants L-R Professor Barry Golding, Jan Crowley, Assoc Prof Bobby Harreveld, Shelley Truscott and Sally Thompson

Adult learning peak body visits, calls for 'reassessment'

The president of Australia's peak adult learning body, Professor Barry Golding has visited Rockhampton for a forum calling for a reassessment of adult education in Australia.

CQUniversity hosted the forum at its Ron Smyth Building in Quay Street.

 Full Details…

2013-07-08 09:52:31.0

  • Climate change in Bangladesh 'unprecedented' says awarded researcher
    Published on 24 January, 2013

    Climate change taking place in Bangladesh is so rapid that it is unprecedented in the history of the earth and can only be attributed to anthropogenic (human) activities..

  • The 'A team' ready for river research
    Published on 24 January, 2013

    CQUniversity has strengthened a team of 'aquatic' researchers dedicated to monitoring the ecological health of the mighty Fitzroy River..

  • CQUni engages with Queensland Tourism Industry Council
    Published on 23 January, 2013

    For the first time, CQUniversity is cooperating as a mentor for QTIC-Y - the Young professionals' mentoring program offered by the State's peak tourism industry organisation, the Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC).

    The program was developed by QTIC in response to the need for professional development opportunities and skilling for younger members of the workforce in the tourism industry.

  • UN recognises ecotourism for sustainable development
    Published on 18 January, 2013

    A recent resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations has recognised ecotourism's role in sustainable development, including protecting the environment in all countries as well as contributing to the fight against poverty in many developing economies.

    That's according to Steve Noakes, Senior Lecturer in Tourism at CQUniversity.

  • Market Days connect campus with community
    Published on 18 January, 2013

    The CQUniversity Student Association has scheduled Market Days at campuses in Mackay, Rockhampton and Bundaberg to connect students with community organisations.

    Businesses, clubs and organisations are encouraged to establish stalls and provide product samples, student discounts, membership forms and information.

  • Young IT student is first international to head Association
    Published on 17 January, 2013

    Komalpreet Kaur, who goes by the name Kim, is well equipped as the first international student to become President of the CQUniversity Student Association.

    She's young, she's tech-savvy and she's proud to be a 'people person'.

  • Those with appetite for a 'quick hit' likely to be gamblers too
    Published on 17 January, 2013

    Could an appetite for immediate, sensation-oriented rewards like alcohol, caffeine, smoking, illicit drugs and energy-rich foods (including salt) mean that people are more likely to be gamblers?

    That's what a team based at CQUniversity's Experimental Gambling Laboratory have been trying to find out through phone surveys across the Central Queensland region.

    Health professionals to be better prepared for engaging with Indigenous clients
    Published on 17 January, 2013

    A new project aims to ensure future generations of health professionals are better prepared for engaging with Indigenous clients, particularly in the crucial stage of gathering family case history information that would assist in their care..

  • Rotary dollars make sense in hunt for cancer treatments
    Published on 17 January, 2013

    CQUniversity Honours student Gwenda Chapman will spend the next few months on the frontline of the battle against cancer, thanks to a very targeted scholarship provided by Rockhampton East Rotary Club..

  • Bundy Council provides kick-start for Engineering students
    Published on 17 January, 2013

    Bundaberg Regional Council received 10 high quality submissions from students applying for its 1st Year Engineering Scholarships at CQUniversity Bundaberg in 2013..