New roles for champion of social integration for overseas students
Published on 11 November, 2010
Congratulations to Alison Owens who has become an Adjunct Associate Professor with CQUniversity and also Deputy Director of our International Education Research Centre (IERC).
In this capacity she will support the work of the IERC Director, Professor Paul Rodan, who has guided the Centre to develop a media and sector-wide presence in enhancing CQUniversity's brand and reputation.
LINK HERE for CQUni duo's DVD provides road-map to learning success
Associate Professor Alison Owens
Alison has worked as an academic staff member at CQUniversity Sydney for over 14 years. She has a passionate interest in intercultural communications and, particularly, how these communications are effectively enacted in educational settings.
Alison has contributed to a range of activities at CQUniversity Sydney over the years of her employment - lecturer and tutor, Learning Skills Unit Manager, Associate Director Academic and Senior Research Associate.
She has published and presented on topics including teaching and learning across cultures, learning in a second language, social inclusion and intercultural communications.
Alison enjoys collaborative work and has co-authored papers and courses with various staff. Her new role within IERC will allow her to grow her research publications as well as mentor and support the research interests of other staff in relation to international education.
The new Deputy Director has been working with her Sydney Campus colleague Susan Loomes to report on recent efforts to diversify academic and social support programs across the international campuses. Their research evaluates the success of these initiatives designed to ensure international students can reach their full academic potential.
The duo are adamant that early social integration with the University and the local community is key because many international students will face academic challenges exacerbated by culture shock. This shock can be mitigated by a sense of connectedness with University staff, students and members of the community.