Science guru guest at Sydney graduations
Published on 04 September, 2008
Australian scientist, educator, journalist, author and media personality Dr Stephen Juan was guest speaker for our Sydney international campus graduations at Star City's Grand Harbour Ballroom yesterday (Wednesday September 3).
The postgraduate ceremony was held at 10.30am and the undergraduate ceremony at 3pm. A total of 461 students representing more than 30 nationalities took part.
Dr Stephen Juan
Dr Stephen Juan was recently appointed Ashley Montagu Fellow for the Public Understanding of Human Sciences at the University of Sydney, a position that was created especially for him.
Responses by the graduates' representatives came from Melanie Estoque (morning) and Nadezda Golik (afternoon), who also received State Director's Leadership awards. These awards were also presented to Abhijeeet Mahesh and Albert Pintu Rocky DCosta.
Chancellor Rennie Fritschy officiated and Vice-Chancellor and President Professor John Rickard attended the ceremonies.