Getting kids to eat veggies can be a real 'song and dance', thanks to new musical
Published on 04 May, 2010
Kids often make a song and dance about eating healthy foods but now the tables have been turned, with the imminent production of Mighty Foods: The Musical due in May (11-13).
There's been a snowball effect since leading model and TV kids' show presenter Karen Fischer became a nutritionist and then an author and health promoter who has been in demand for TV segments and magazine features. LINK HERE for MIGHTY FOODS REHEARSAL IMAGES
LINK to Food Choices study seeks participants
Karen Fischer with her book which is now a musical
Now one of her books - Don't Tell Them It's Healthy - has been turned into a musical production.
More than 1600 children will attend the premiere season presented by CQUniversity's Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music (CQCM) at Mackay. LINK HERE for a short VIDEO about the Musical
Karen and her daughter Ayva will attend the first day of performances (May 11), helping to ensure every audience member goes home with a copy of the book.
"When my publisher first heard about the idea for the musical it seemed like the strangest request, but we are delighted with the idea," Karen said.
"It all helps to support the key messages in the book."
Karen says she grew up suffering from various skin disorders and her daughter had severe eczema as a baby. This led to a specialisation in skin health and production of The Healthy Skin Diet and Don't Tell Them It's Healthy. Karen prides herself on being able to get any child to eat their veggies, thanks to the lessons she has learnt from her fussy children over the past nine years. Her latest health book, Healthy Family, Happy Family, will be available mid-2010.
Karen has also conducted health and nutrition presentations at schools. The Teen Health Education Program is aimed to educate both children and parents on how their eating choices can directly affect overall health and wellbeing.
Performed and written by CQCM students and lecturer Kim Kirkman, Mighty Foods: The Musical combines 45 minutes of singing, acting and dancing designed to teach kids that 'you are what you eat'.
The show presents a positive theme by demonstrating how eating 'mighty foods' can make children smarter, stronger and faster.
"Junk food manufacturers market their products in very clever ways, preying upon young people's need to be accepted and have fun. We are marketing good foods by showing children that eating them will make them more successful," Mr Kirkman said.
Mighty foods: The Musical will run from May 11 - 13 (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 10am, 11.30am and 1pm) at the Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music, Boundary Road, Planlands, Mackay. Details are via 07 4940 7800.