Premier Bligh supports TAFE-Uni amalgamation
Published on 24 September, 2010
Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has supported the concept of an amalgamation between Central Queensland Institute of TAFE and CQUniversity Australia.
Speaking on ABC Radio Capricornia on Friday (Sept 17), Premier Bligh said "I think this is one of the most exciting developments in post-school education that we have seen in Queensland for many years".
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"If this facility is able to come together, what it offers people from all around Central Queensland is an opportunity to upgrade their skills without having to go from institution to institution, maybe not getting everything they've done at TAFE recognized by the University.
"We know that if we are going to harness the opportunities that are on Queensland's doorstep then one of the things that will be absolutely critical is a skilled workforce.
"We know we've got lots of people right across the State who want to be part of those opportunities, who want to work in new industries like liquid natural gas for example.
"But they need some skills upgrade to do that and that's why we need the provision of those post-secondary schooling options whether it's technical education or higher education provided world-class in regional Queensland.
"We also think it could provide a model for other parts of Queensland so Rockhampton's leading the way on this one."
CQUniversity Vice-Chancellor Professor Scott Bowman has welcomed the Premier's public support for an amalgamation between the two higher education providers.
It was only last week that he joined Central Queensland Institute of TAFE Director Nik Babovic to signed a Memo of Understanding to progress student pathways and articulations.
Both organisations have enjoyed a long-standing working relationship in Central Queensland and are committed to promoting and creating pathways for lifelong learning in the region.
Acknowledging the importance of industry engagement, they will establish more meaningful articulations that will give Central Queenslanders enhanced access to and availability of relevant and professional training and education.
"Getting close to TAFE is at the top of my priority list," said CQUniversity Vice-Chancellor Scott Bowman.
"We've put a proposal to the Queensland government to amalgamate with CQIT... which they are analysing. And we've put an $80m bid to the federal government to help make this happen. The MOU that we signed today is a good step toward that amalgamation," said Professor Bowman.
CQIT Director Nic Babovic described the MOU agreement as "exciting for Central Queensland".
"Our students are always enquiring how they can move to uni... and this will make that transition a whole lot easier. Industry that we work closely with are excited about having our programs articulated," explained Mr Babovic.
"Our future is very bright and very strong...Students finishing their Certificate 3 or 4 will know exactly where they sit in the university sector, what credits they can achieve and exactly how they can access the uni," added Mr Babovic.