Graduate Camille finds golden opportunity in Mount Morgan
Published on 03 March, 2011
CQUniversity graduate Camille Steinberger did not have to search far to find an outlet for her talents in marketing, journalism, public relations and desktop publishing. Her home town of Mount Morgan provided a golden opportunity.
Camille juggles a part-time job as project officer for the Mount Morgan Promotion and Development office with production of the town's fortnightly newspaper and still finds time to help with her father's tours of the former gold mining boom town.
Find out more about the historic town of Mount Morgan at
and about the mine tours at
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"Our community newsletter, The Argus, also serves as our local newspaper and I really enjoy helping to put it together each fortnight," Camille said.
The enthusiastic graduate got a taste of working on real-world projects during her desktop publishing course with CQUniversity.
Students were required to work on a new logo and corporate identity for the Central Queensland Local Government Association (CQLGA) and Camille's design was chosen as best. It was implemented with only minor alterations. The logo and Camille's design has now been implemented corporately and can be seen here:
Head of Program for Professional Communication Kate Ames says desktop publishing is just one of a range of communication courses that involve a work placement or set a client topic as a real project.
"Michelle Roberts, the CQLGA Communications Manager, has worked closely with our students for some time now in the course Advanced Public Relations, where students have worked on the Low Carbon Diet campaign and the Recycling Heroes campaign as part of their assessment projects," Kate said.
"Michelle is a graduate of CQUniversity herself, has just employed a student as a graduate communication officer (before graduation), takes on an internship student (or two) in professional communication every term, and is a valuable member of our Professional Communication Program Reference Group.
"This year will see the largest graduation of professional communication students from CQUniversity, and it's fantastic to see that our graduates, such as Camille, are able to use the combination of journalism and public relations skills that are at the heart of our program," Kate said.