'Godfather of tobacco control' among showcase keynotes
Published on 31 March, 2011
A researcher known as the 'Godfather of Tobacco Control in Asia' is among keynote speakers scheduled for CQUniversity's Showcase on Research and Development for your community, running from April 4-14.
Dr Harley Stanton will draw on his travels to 65 countries for health and lifestyle projects, including national and international efforts to reduce tobacco use, for his FREE public presentation at CQUniversity Bundaberg, from 7.15pm on Monday, April 4.
His theme on 'connectivity' relates to the end of London's cholera outbreak through removal of the handle of the Broad Street water pump.
In Gladstone, from 5.30pm on Tuesday April 5, keynote audience members will hear from the General Manager of NRG Gladstone Power Station Glenn Schumacher, during a FREE public presentation. Glenn is the current Chairman of the Gladstone Industry Leadership Group and the current Queensland Professional Engineer of the Year.
In Rockhampton, from 5.30pm on Wednesday, April 6, Professor Wendy Brown from the University of Queensland will give a FREE public presentation about the case of 10,000 Steps in putting Rockhampton on the world health promotion stage. Wendy was a chief investigator on the 10,000 Steps Rockhampton project and also devotes time to work with government departments, the National Heart Foundation and Sports Medicine Australia.
Also LINK for details on Rockhampton's 3 Minute Thesis Competition
More details via http://www.cqu.edu.au/2011showcase_research