Singapore graduation a watershed
Published on 30 June, 2009
The next CQUniversity graduation in Singapore will be a watershed - the final one involving students enrolled through our joint venture with Raffles College*.
A total of 44 graduates will attend the ceremony from 7pm on Thursday July 16 at the Merchant Court Hotel Ballroom, including Daniel Lim Peng Soon, who will deliver a response on behalf of his cohort.
VIPs attending will include Raffles College Director Jenny Wong and Professor Steve Rawlinson, Vice-President of Academic Programs, Raffles Education Corporation.
CQUniversity will be represented by Chancellor Rennie Fritschy and Vice-Chancellor and President Professor John Rickard.
* We now offer degrees in Singapore with local support from Melior Business School (MBS), using online and distance education materials and with some management visits to ensure quality. LINK for details