CQUniversity Australia

Engaging Indigenous people within Higher Ed

CQUniversity's Office of Indigenous Engagement recently hosted a visit from the Oodgeroo Unit of Queensland University of Technology (QUT), at Rockhampton Campus.

Professor Anita Lee Hong, Director of the Oodgeroo Unit, and Lone Pearce, Project Officer, met with Office of Indigenous Engagement staff to discuss employment issues and best practice models for engaging Indigenous people within the higher education sector, including governance matters.

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PhotoID:15001, Forum participants L-R Professor Barry Golding, Jan Crowley, Assoc Prof Bobby Harreveld, Shelley Truscott and Sally Thompson

Adult learning peak body visits, calls for 'reassessment'

The president of Australia's peak adult learning body, Professor Barry Golding has visited Rockhampton for a forum calling for a reassessment of adult education in Australia.

CQUniversity hosted the forum at its Ron Smyth Building in Quay Street.

 Full Details…

2013-07-08 09:52:31.0

  • Graduating engineers present final projects to community
    Published on 24 June, 2010

    Final year engineering students presented their final year projects to an audience of potential employers and their proud families during GECon 2010 last week.

    GeCon (Graduating Engineers Conference) is an annual forum that allows graduating engineers to showcase their talents to their peers, industry employers and the wider community.

  • Showcase focuses on professional staff contribution
    Published on 24 June, 2010
    Last week’s Professional Staff Showcase in Rockhampton highlighted the importance of professional staff at CQUniversity.

    “The Showcase really emphasised the fundamental importance of professional staff, and how much they contribute to the University’s renewal,” organiser Nerine Williams said.

  • Research excites Uni of the Third Age visitors
    Published on 24 June, 2010

    Plant and Water Science experiments were a hot topic of conversation for a group of visitors last week. 

    A group of enthusiastic Capricorn Coast University of the Third Age members were enthralled to discover the amount of research bubbling away beneath the surface of the Rockhampton Campus at the Centre for Plant and Water Science.

  • CQUniversity hosts major research event
    Published on 24 June, 2010

    CQUniversity will host Australasia's largest annual environmental postgraduate conference from Sunday this week.

    This is a first for the University in hosting the Environmental Research Event (ERE) which is in its 15th year.

  • Dr Suzanne Innes - Guest Speaker Noosa Graduation
    Published on 24 June, 2010

    Dr Suzanne Innes, DipEd, BA(Hons), BEdStud, Qld, GradCert TESOL NE, MSchoolMgt, DEd CQU, AFIM is the Executive Director School Improvement - North Coast Region, Nambour South.  This area encompasses 44 education sites, 1,635 staff and over 27,000 students.

  • Photocatalytic Degradation of Pesticides and Phenols in Storm and Wastewater effluent
    Published on 24 June, 2010

    Recent Developments in Photocatalytic Degradation of Pesticides and Phenols in Storm and Wastewater effluent.

    Presented by: Saber Ahmed Centre for Plant & Water Science, CQ University, Queensland 4702, Australia.

  • Pesticides in catchment areas of the Great Barrier Reef
    Published on 24 June, 2010

    Presentation by Dr John Abbot

    Many studies have focused on measuring the levels of pesticides, particularly herbicides such as diuron, atrazine and simazine, in rivers and coastal areas associated with GBR catchments.  Modern analytical instruments can detect very low levels of these chemicals.

  • Historic gown donated back to Uni
    Published on 23 June, 2010

    The gown and gold hoods of CSIRO agricultural scientist H. Greig Turner, one of the prime movers of the early Central Queensland University Association, the pre-cursor to the establishment of CQUniversity, has been returned to the institution by his wife Yvonne Turner, who is herself a Companion of the University.

  • Donation makes a splash
    Published on 21 June, 2010

    CQUniversity has donated over 900 fish to help re-stock the Mt Morgan dam.

    842 Silver Perch and 97 Eel-tailed Catfish were transported from the University up to Mt Morgan last week by staff members Nathan Green and Damian Byrt.

  • CQUniversity hosts info sessions in health sciences
    Published on 21 June, 2010

    CQUniversity is hosting information evenings for people considering a career in health sciences.

    Year 12 students and their parents, mature-age students and professionals seeking a career change are encouraged to attend.