CQUniversity Australia

Engaging Indigenous people within Higher Ed

CQUniversity's Office of Indigenous Engagement recently hosted a visit from the Oodgeroo Unit of Queensland University of Technology (QUT), at Rockhampton Campus.

Professor Anita Lee Hong, Director of the Oodgeroo Unit, and Lone Pearce, Project Officer, met with Office of Indigenous Engagement staff to discuss employment issues and best practice models for engaging Indigenous people within the higher education sector, including governance matters.

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PhotoID:15001, Forum participants L-R Professor Barry Golding, Jan Crowley, Assoc Prof Bobby Harreveld, Shelley Truscott and Sally Thompson

Adult learning peak body visits, calls for 'reassessment'

The president of Australia's peak adult learning body, Professor Barry Golding has visited Rockhampton for a forum calling for a reassessment of adult education in Australia.

CQUniversity hosted the forum at its Ron Smyth Building in Quay Street.

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2013-07-08 09:52:31.0

  • Swedish visitor eyes potential for video snippets
    Published on 09 June, 2011

    Recent Swedish visitor Anna Palmquist spent a few weeks shadowing information systems lecturer Mike Gregory and was impressed with the potential for on-line video snippets to enhance face to face teaching.

    Face to face teaching is the standard at the University of Borås, where Anna takes her informatics students beyond programming to consider human factors through systems theory, to work hands-on alongside companies in program project development, to take a change management perspective, and to use analysis and design skills.

  • School students chalk up credit towards teaching degrees
    Published on 09 June, 2011

    A Rockhampton family is reaping the benefits of a unique university program and there'll be downstream advantages for younger students coming through the system..

  • Sustainability takes root on campus
    Published on 07 June, 2011

    CQUniversity recently established an Environmental Sustainability Committee and has joined the national body, Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS)..

  • Mum of three enjoys reaching the finish line
    Published on 07 June, 2011

    Learning to put herself first was the hard lesson to learn for new CQUniversity graduate Natalie Wright.

    Natalie recently graduated with a Bachelor of Learning Management (Secondary) degree knowing that the "long, hard four years" was worth every minute.

  • 'Social impact of mining' on agenda in Gladstone during June
    Published on 07 June, 2011

    CQUniversity is co-presenting a conference on Sustainable Development in Resource-Intensive Regions, which will explore economic opportunities and their social impact in regional Australia.

    This event is likely to be of interest to industry, mining and resource sector representatives as well as union leaders, academics and researchers focused on the social impacts of mining and resource economics.

  • Conservatorium 'in tune' with Drink Rite program
    Published on 06 June, 2011

    CQUniversity Mackay is set to host a Drink Rite program, designed by the Queensland Police Service to promote a responsible attitude towards alcohol consumption and drink driving.

    The Drink Rite event will be held at the Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music (CQCM) on campus this Friday evening (June 10, 6pm-8pm).

  • Dean's guitar concert provides outlet for CQ Strings
    Published on 06 June, 2011

    A guitar concert by new Dean Matthew Marshall had the bonus of providing an outlet for the newly-formed CQ Strings, a talented group of musicians from Rockhampton Region.

    Matthew is an internationally acclaimed guitarist who has arrived at CQUniversity as Dean of the School of Creative and Performing Arts.

  • Under 8s switched on by science
    Published on 06 June, 2011

    CQUniversity learning management students from the Wide Bay region recently volunteered to facilitate science activities for the annual Woongarra State School Under 8's Day recently.

    Lecturer Dr Rosie Thrupp says there's a two-way partnership between the University and local schools which enables this kind of activity.

  • Nursing team turns another page
    Published on 06 June, 2011

    Staff of CQUniversity‟s School of Nursing and Midwifery have made a significant contribution to the new three-volume text: Medical-Surgical Nursing.

    Associate Professors Lorna Moxham, Kerry Reid-Searl and Trudy Dwyer formed a major part of the editorial team.