CQUniNEWS Archives
There are a total of 8978 stories in the archive.
Adult learning peak body visits, calls for 'reassessment'The president of Australia's peak adult learning body, Professor Barry Golding has visited Rockhampton for a forum calling for a reassessment of adult education in Australia. CQUniversity hosted the forum at its Ron Smyth Building in Quay Street. Full Details…2013-07-08 09:52:31.0 |
- Australia's algae experts converge on Rockhampton
Published on 16 July, 2004
Around 50 of Australia's leading algae experts will converge on CQU Rockhampton at the end of July (24-26) to share the latest developments in their field.
Event host Dr Larelle Fabbro, from CQU, has recently returned from the International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria in Norway where she learnt of trends in management of toxic algal blooms together with the most recent research findings on a global level.
- Rocky Careers Expo scheduled
Published on 16 July, 2004
The annual Rockhampton Careers Expo will be held on Tuesday July 27 from 4pm until 8pm and will be held at a different venue from last year.
Organising committee chair, Tony Gubbins said that the expo will move back to the Exhibition pavilion at the Rockhampton show grounds in 2004.
- Staff farewell CQU Vice-Chancellor
Published on 16 July, 2004
Central Queensland University Vice-Chancellor Professor Glenice Hancock retires at the end of this month, leaving CQU well-positioned for a new era in Australian higher education under the leadership of incoming Vice-Chancellor Professor John Rickard, formerly of Southern Cross University.
CQU Rockhampton staff gathered yesterday for a barbecue function to farewell Professor Hancock.
- The way the web was won
Published on 16 July, 2004
ON the day Mark Latham fronted the media with an emotional retort to attacks on his character and Greece won soccer's Euro Cup, a 17-year-old schoolgirl in a saucy pose created her own media whirlwind, toppling Latham from the The Sydney Morning Herald's website as its top-rating story.
Over at the opposition News Limited website, news.
- CQU Mackay annual prizes ceremony attracts large crowd of well-wishers
Published on 15 July, 2004
Over 60 family and friends attended CQU Mackay’s Prizes Ceremony recently.
The annual event recognises the exceptional achievements of students across the five faculties.
- Emerald staff join Steps challenge
Published on 15 July, 2004
Staff from the newly located CQU Emerald Campus were among more than 900 from 90 teams to join CQU's 10 000 Steps Workplace Challenge this week.
Staff members have been challenged to use pedometers and in their teams accumulate five million steps (the equivalent of walking across Australia) over an 8-12 week period.
- Gold Coast international campus grows in diversity
Published on 14 July, 2004
Central Queensland University’s Gold Coast International Campus is growing in diversity in terms of course options and student background.
The campus, which caters for the full-fee degree market, now offers an Associate Degree of Information Technology and an Associate Degree in Business.
- Gladstone and Bundaberg staff join Steps challenge
Published on 14 July, 2004
Staff from Bundaberg and Gladstone campuses were among more than 900 staff from 90 teams to join CQU's 10 000 Steps Workplace Challenge this week.
10 000 Steps is funded by Queensland Health and based at CQU, and is now being rolled out to Queensland and beyond after success in increasing physical activity awareness and levels in the Rockhampton community.
- Seaman Dan returns to centre stage at Fair
Published on 14 July, 2004
Former deep-water pearl shell diver Seaman Dan may have started his career as an entertainer late in life but he will still warm the hearts of patrons at this year’s CQ Multicultural Fair and University Open Day.
Seaman will feature on centre stage at the Fair, on Sunday August 8.
- Rocky and Mackay staff join Steps challenge
Published on 14 July, 2004
Staff from the Rockhampton and Mackay campuses were among more than 900 from 90 teams to join CQU's 10 000 Steps Workplace Challenge this week.
Staff members have been challenged to use pedometers and in their teams accumulate five million steps (the equivalent of walking across Australia) over an 8-12 week period.