CQUniNEWS Archives
There are a total of 8978 stories in the archive.
Adult learning peak body visits, calls for 'reassessment'The president of Australia's peak adult learning body, Professor Barry Golding has visited Rockhampton for a forum calling for a reassessment of adult education in Australia. CQUniversity hosted the forum at its Ron Smyth Building in Quay Street. Full Details…2013-07-08 09:52:31.0 |
- 'Compacts' relevant to all, says union visitor
Published on 02 June, 2010
Federal Government 'compacts' with universities are based on consultation but will be given the 'teeth' to dictate campus characteristics in coming years.
That's according to union visitor Paul Kniest, who says staff members should stay informed while encouraging the University to continue broad consultation with its communities.
- All welcome to find out how 'Compacts' are shaping Uni
Published on 02 June, 2010
All interested staff members are welcome at a NTEU-hosted event designed to show how Compacts are shaping CQUniversity's future.
NTEU branch organiser Dan Coughlan says Compacts with the Federal government will set a new policy agenda, and targets will be negotiated to effect pervasive change.
- Uni champions CQ as the place to power energy technologies
Published on 02 June, 2010
CQUniversity has taken a big step towards convincing the Queensland Government to focus clean energy initiatives in Central Queensland, using the region as a portal and pilot for the rest of the State..
- Survey reveals CQUniversity graduates are better paid
Published on 02 June, 2010
CQUniversity's first-job graduates have consistently earned more money than the state and national average since 2004, according to annual surveys conducted by Graduate Careers Australia.
In the latest survey, CQUniversity graduates recorded an overall median salary of $50,000, compared with the national and state overall median salary of $49,000.
- MOU for Great Keppel research signed
Published on 01 June, 2010
GKI Resort Pty Ltd and CQUniversity have signed a Memo of Understanding regarding GKI's proposed development of a Research Centre at Great Keppel, as part of GKI's plan to redevelop the resort island.
The nature of the agreement is that CQUniversity would be able to conduct research at the Centre, which would be built by the Resort.
- CQUniversity in the News
Published on 01 June, 2010
This link will take you to a batched PDF of highlights of recent media coverage involving CQUniversity. Apologies that access is not available to the general public for copyright reasons.
- Parenting book wins international book prize
Published on 01 June, 2010
CQUniversity's Nicole Rawson-Huff has been awarded an international book prize for her book aimed at new parents.
The child development specialist and project officer for CQUniversity's International Program of Psycho-Social Health Research co-edited the book titled 'Caring for your newborn: How to enjoy the first 60 days as a new mom', with leading paediatrician Dr Olson Huff.
- Giant puffer fish graces the Keppels
Published on 31 May, 2010
CQUniversity coral researcher Dr Alison Jones was treated to a 'big' surprise while undertaking field research in the Keppels last week.
This giant puffer fish seemed quite interested in the divers, and likewise the divers were keen to see the fish.
- School-based health promotion and obesity prevention
Published on 31 May, 2010
Declines in physical activity levels, increases in sedentary activity levels and a decline in the quality of our dietary intake are recognized contributing factors to the increased prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents.
Whilst schools are considered to be in unique positions to play pivotal roles in promoting health and preventing obesity, relatively few secondary school-based obesity prevention studies have been conducted and evidence for their effectiveness is limited.
- TravelCrew hosts Biggest Morning Tea on campus
Published on 31 May, 2010
CQUniversity's TravelCrew Office hosted one of several 'Biggest Morning Tea' fundraising functions around our campuses, raising $1360 for Cancer Council Queensland..