CQUniNEWS Archives
There are a total of 8978 stories in the archive.
Adult learning peak body visits, calls for 'reassessment'The president of Australia's peak adult learning body, Professor Barry Golding has visited Rockhampton for a forum calling for a reassessment of adult education in Australia. CQUniversity hosted the forum at its Ron Smyth Building in Quay Street. Full Details…2013-07-08 09:52:31.0 |
- CQUni major sponsor for Bundaberg Multicultural Festival
Published on 31 August, 2009
CQUniversity's affinity with staff and students from many countries and cultures made it a natural supporter for the Bundaberg Multicultural Festival, held on Sunday, August 30 at the Bundaberg Riverside Parklands..
- Anita chalks up full circle in Education
Published on 31 August, 2009
Anita Rienks, a Learning Management lecturer at CQUniversity Gladstone is looking forward to the next intake of Education students.
What makes Anita unique is the fact she completed her own Bachelor of Education degree (now the Bachelor of Learning Management) through CQUniversity Gladstone and was in the first group of students to complete their Education degree in Gladstone.
- Tom O'Connor BIO
Published on 31 August, 2009
Tom O'Connor is the Chief Executive Officer of The Oaktree Foundation, Australia's first youth-run aid and development organisation. Oaktree is run entirely by volunteers under the age of twenty-six, who aim to raise community awareness by organising events, lobbying government and conducting fundraising for overseas projects.
- Warren Reed BIO
Published on 31 August, 2009
Warren Reed was born and brought up in Hobart, Tasmania. He did 2 years National Service in the Australian Army, after which he returned to study at the University of Tasmania.
- Darryl Somerville biography
Published on 31 August, 2009
Darryl Somerville, BCom UQ is a Fellow of both the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia (ICAA) and the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (CPAs). He is currently a Director of Careers Australia Group Ltd and Chairman of Sentinel Property Trust.
- Results
Published on 28 August, 2009
2009 CQ Schools Titration Competition (now on its 20th year) ..
- Open Day highlights
Published on 28 August, 2009
Open Day highlights ..
- All welcome at Uni Open Day
Published on 27 August, 2009
Visitors to CQUniversity's Open Day on Saturday, August 29, can look forward to free career advice, program demonstrations, guided tours and live entertainment..
- Property specialists network across CQ region
Published on 27 August, 2009
Bachelor of Property students and industry professionals will gather on October 9 for CQUniversity's second annual half-day property conference..